Air Hamburg application portal

Employer branding from the first lead to the data record

If a company wants to double the number of its employees in just a few years and continue to grow, this presents even the strongest organisation with major challenges.

There is no shortage of leads via job or social media portals. But how do you organise the actual recruiting process in a decentralised organisation - via emails, via a document hub? How do you fulfil the different job profile requirements of more than two dozen departments? How do you communicate information about the different job profiles and attract suitable applicants for the vacancies?

The answer: a dedicated job world that provides information about job profiles and career opportunities at Air Hamburg, an online portal with a completely digital application process.

We solved the job both communicatively and technically. The CMS TYPO3 is used to manage all media content. At the same time, TYPO3 serves as a frame work for data management and extensions up to the transfer of master data to the HR department.

The portal provides tendering departments with a digital tool that creates transparency and enables them to participate in the selection process from anywhere in the world. Indispensable for an airline with global flight operations.

 Employer Branding
 UI- / UX-Konzept
 Technischer Support