The network of experts

The EVU is a pan-European association of experts in the field of accident research and reconstruction. The association is the union of over 1,300 members in 21 associations, which are organised independently in their respective countries.

On its website, the EVU presents its members and their expertise in the various subject areas and fields of work. Visitors and interested experts can view publications and tests online after registering.

In addition to updating the EVU corporate design, our task was to create a new base for the online presentation and to enable members to carry out many tasks digitally.

We realised this project using TYPO3 as the framework. The database was successfully migrated with all entries and data records. Members can now independently write articles that are published via an internal approval process. Events are organised digitally, from the announcement to the booking and payment process. And much more besides.

We wish you a safe and pleasant journey. Here you will find the experts for all other cases.


 Technischer Support